Writing is putting the body, poetry of women during the dictatorships

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Sandra Ivette González Ruiz


In this text I talk about the writing of women during the dictatorship, having the body as the main axis and the idea that women write with and from the body. The poetry written by women from the different captivities of the dictatorships was a political strategy to recover the word and the body, to name violence and the diverse stories and situations of women. I review the notion "poner el cuerpo" thought from the organization of women and feminists and its implications in writing to rearm the "territorio poético".

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How to Cite
González Ruiz, S. I. (2022). Writing is putting the body, poetry of women during the dictatorships. Revista SOMEPSO, 7(1), 136-149. Retrieved from https://revistasomepso.org/index.php/revistasomepso/article/view/121
Author Biography

Sandra Ivette González Ruiz

Profesora de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán


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